My art is Soul Art.  I love everything that connects you to your soul; the arts, music, and the natural world.  My work increasingly explores the connection and relationship between the natural, earth world and the mysterious cosmic realms.  And the process of transformation – of ourselves, from dark into light, from caterpillar into butterfly.

My main inspirations are:

Earth and the natural world

The cross-over between nature, science and art fascinates me. Art is found in the geometric patterns of nature; and nature’s forms can be seen as art. I love Gaudi’s architecture for example, which is based on nature’s geometric structures, spirals and the Fibonacci sequence.

A love of nature is in my genes; my scientist grandfather discovered how to determine the sex of shells through mathematics, and published scientific papers on underwater discoveries. He’d spend days researching in the Natural History Museum archives, and to this day I am fascinated by the geometry, patterns and art forms found in the natural world.

Cosmos and the universe

I am equally in awe of, and captivated by the other-worldy, magical realms beyond our earthly existence. The mysteries of the universe and what lies beyond fascinate me. Ethereal places, and the concept of consciousness inspire me.

Subsequently, I love to explore the relationship between earth and the cosmos – two opposing, and yet interconnected elements of life.

“The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless”  (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

My background

I was taught to question and explore, and to develop a curiosity for life and the world – surrounded by a family love of sciences, medicine, nature and the arts.

I founded Creative Connectors, a group of creative thinkers based in SW London, who shared ideas and inspirations, and am now developing Sacred Soul Circles – connecting people together.

My second home is Krakow, the medieval heart of Poland, where I lived for four years reconnecting with my roots. I love the café culture and thriving arts scene out there.


There are a number of artists in my family history, including my great-Aunt who studied at the L’Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris, during the time of Post-Impressionist movement (1920’s).

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